Everyday life is the special occasion!

February 13, 2016

In The Mood For

{wishing you a passionate Saint Valentine's}

The setting is perfect to be spent at home - constant heavy rain, cold, strong winds - winter at its best. So for the majority of this weekend I am ready to put on my casual sporty clothes, light up the fireplace , pop the champagne and popcorns/ jellies and enjoy a bunch of films[ no, not all romantic because I am an action girl per se] / series marathon [Fargo 2 - obsessed about it] and home baked goodies without any guilt, though I am planning on a fancier night in for Sunday night. Like so many other couples, I think one of the biggest challenges is not allowing ourselves to get stuck in a rut because due to many diffrent reasons it’s easy to get comfortable in/ take for granted the same day-to-day routine and forget to pay attention to each other when life gets really busy. One's got to keep romance alive, right? Wish you all a heart-warming weekend. I'm in the mood for...

{getting all dolled-up for a fancy night in}

{a suggestive and super pretty home baked goodie}

{putting an effort into wrapping specially a simple present}

{looking for a sassy sleeping piece}

 {a lovely pinkish red that's way too flattering}

{stocking up for V-day's weeekend movies marathon}


  1. so pretty pics; ]

    i invite to me too


  2. Ahhhh, a minha ideia de romance é precisamente a capacidade de estar aninhada no sofá em pijama, descabelada, sem maquilhagem, embrulhada numa manta a queixar-me do reumático na companhia do homem que amo. Para mim não passa por nada mais que não o conseguir estar em silêncio na companhia de alguém sem sentir necessidade de falar, e sem me sentir sózinha. Mas eu sou meio esquisita, e ás vezes questiono-mo se a ideia de romance para o meu marido passará pelo mesmo que a minha, felizmente sei que sim muahahahah, somos os dois brutos cromos. E este fim de semana, tal como os últimos, não está para celebrações, infelizmente...

  3. Gorgeous pictures!!

    I have a new post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *

