Everyday life is the special occasion!

December 30, 2016

Cheers to 2017

The last months of 2016 have been quite hard in terms of the precarious health of both my parents at the same time. Though hard and sad it has made me realize the importance of being present at most times rather than being concerned with publishing daily. It also had a very unpleasant and almost stressful part which was the lack of time to also make regular visits to my dear fellow bloggers. I didn't forget about you, I sometimes visited your posts but connected through instagram instead as it was quicker. Thank you so much for being there during these years  - I do appreciate it more than you know. Let's hope that 2017 comes gentle and hopeful on us all and that the best of us may be revealed in small gestures everyday. Cheers!


December 21, 2016


Coscorões are a very typical Portuguese dessert during the Christmas season. They are sweet and crunchy fried dough pieces with a tasty and delicate orange flavor to them. They a have the addition of a delicious cinnamon finish. Crunchy and very tasty are perfect for enjoying during the Christmas season with a nice cup of tea/ coffee with your beloved ones and they are very much appreciated throughout the country - a delicacy always sure to impress.

• 500 gr of flour
• 3 eggs
• Orange zest
• 50 gr of sugar
• 50 gr of butter
• 50 gr of brandy
• Water and salt q.s.

Mix the sugar well with the butter. Add the eggs, the brandy, the flour and the salt and knead very well. Add water if necessary and knead until obtaining a smooth and elastic mass. Allow to stand for at least one hour.
Tender rectangles with the aid of the roll, in a thickness of 2 millimeters. Make two or three cuts in the middle. Fry in oil and dip them in sugar and cinnamon.

• 500 gr de farinha
• 3 ovos
• Raspa de laranja
• 50 gr de açúcar
• 50 gr de manteiga
• 50 gr de aguardente
• Água e sal q.b.

Misturar bem o açúcar com a manteiga. Adicionar os ovos, a aguardente, a farinha e o sal e amassar muito bem. Adicionar água se necessário e amassar até obter uma massa lisa e elástica. Deixar repousar durante, pelo menos, uma hora.
Tender rectângulos com o auxílio do rolo, numa espessura de 2 milímetros. Fazer dois ou três cortes no meio. Fritar em óleo e passar por açúcar e canela.

December 16, 2016

In The Mood For

{wishing you all the greatest Christmas celebrations}

 {red lips that exude refinement and sassiness}

{velvet and gold for a classy sophisticated feel}

{a picture I'm obsessing about for my living room or bedroom}

{starting to plan the treats for Christmas family get-togethers}

 {the sweetest pyjamas with the strongest message -at OYSHO}

{this year's touch of bling for ´Xmas and New Year's EVE -  at H&M}

December 14, 2016

Coffee Cookies Cake With Baked Condensed Milk

É bem simples fazer esta sobremesa de bolacha! Comece por bater as natas numa taça, até ficar bem cremoso.Junte o leite condensado cozido e bata mais um pouco, até dissolver por completo. Humedeça as bolachas no café e coloque num prato de servir. Cubra com o creme, coloque mais bolachas, mais creme e assim sucessivamente até terminar. Triture bolachas e coloque por cima até cobrir o bolo. Coloque o seu bolo de bolacha com natas e leite condensado cozido no frio até ao momento de servir e bom apetite!