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I have a deep true devotion towards pretty, strong, well cared for and preferably long hair. As a matter of fact, since I was a pre-adolescent I wear my hair no other way but long. I think it was an accumulation in my subconscious of the fact that - until I went to primary school - I seemed a tomboy in short haircuts that was mistaken for a boy when wearing trousers. As soon as I got acknowledged with my femininity, I put into practice the reproduction of the sexy looks that I watched on TV, through a ragged figure of clothing that I'd put together randomly and by wearing a face towel over my head, held by clothes' pegs imitating my fetish - that of having long hair [promise that I've been keeping till now]. Once in a while I dare to change its colour, but for years [and I admit it may ound a bit weird] going to an hairdresser seemed a lot like going to the dentist - I had insomnia in the previous night, cold sweat on the way there and tachycardia until I heard the sound of the scissors being put down. Nowadays I'm way better, believe me! Unfortunately, as years went by, my hair has weakned, not that it has ever been very thick, but it was surely shinier, prettier and certainly healthier. The heat of the blowdryers, excessive brushing, the lack of basic care [masks, conditioners, ampoules, monthly trimming...] for years, the chemical process of hair dyes, the unprotection towards Uv rays, the growing amount of stress and the inevitable [but in denial] progressive ageing all contributed to an overall damage so that sometimes my hair seems like a little mice's nest! Nevertheless, better late than never, I believe that I should keep betting on using good products of maintenance, that although they don't do miracles, can surely help a lot!
Tenho uma verdadeira adoração por cabelos bonitos, fortes, bem tratados e, preferencialmente compridos. Aliás, desde a minha pré-adolescência que não uso o cabelo senão comprido. Acho que é devido a um recalcamento de até à escola primária ter parecido sempre uma maria-rapaz de cabelos curtos que quando vestia calças bem passava por rapazito. Assim que tomei consciência da minha feminilidade, pus em prática a reprodução dos looks femininos que via na televisão, através de uma versão andrajosa de peças de roupa que ia juntando sem nexo e do uso de uma toalha de rosto na cabeça, presa por molas da roupa, a imitar o meu fetiche - ter cabelos compridos [promessa que cumpro até hoje]. De vez m quando atrevo-me a mudar a cor, mas [e admito que isto pode parecer um bocado absurdo], durante anos a ida ao cabeleireiro assemelhava-se a uma ida ao dentista - tinha insónias na noite anterior, suores frios a caminho de lá e taquicardia enquanto não ouvisse o som das tesouras a pousar. Hoje já estou bem melhor, acreditem! Lamentavelmente, o meu cabelo foi enfraquecendo ao longo dos anos, não que alguma vez tenha sido muito encorpado, mas era mais brilhante, mais bonito e, seguramente, mais saudável. O calor dos secadores, o excesso de escovagens, a falta de cuidados básicos durante anos [máscaras, condicionadores, ampolas, aparar as pontas mensalmente, o processo químico da descoloração, a desproteção face aos raios UV, o crescente de stress e o inevit'avel [mas em negação] avançar da idade contribuiram para um estrago generalizado de forma a que, por vezes, o meu cabelo se assemelha a um pequeno ninho de ratos! No entanto, antes tarde que nunca, julgo que vale a pena continuar a apostar em bons produtos de manutenção que, embora não façam milagres, podem ajudar e bastante!

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gorgeous pictures, can't wait til i have long flowing hair again! xx
ReplyDeleteMy Blog: Boho Vanity
so much great hair inspiration! :)hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration!xo
ReplyDeleteTambém sou muito fã de cabelos compridos Aida... mas vejo-me sp aflita com as pontas sp espigadas por causa do secador...
ReplyDeleteoh goodness, definitely love the long, full hair! so perfect!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
Aida, e que conselhos tens? Na última vez que fui ao cabeleireiro a Srª disse-me que devia cortar as pontas uma vez por mês para ver se fortalecia o cabelo. O meu é tão fino e liso e precisava de fazer umas ampolas ou assim. É que eu uso champô, condicionador, gotas para pentear e faço máscara todas as semanas e mesmo assim ele não evolui. Quero o cabelo da Lala!AMO! :p
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment and for following me! I'm now following you back! ;) Stay tunned to see more! ;)
Hello lovely! Followed your blog. Thanks for the comment. Would be happy if you followed back ;)
Though I am a short hair gal myself these locks are lovely.
Darling Bonnie
It's really hard for me to maintain the long hair but the silky long hair sure looks pretty. xoxo
woww look at all that gorgeous hair!! i love long hair too, which is why i have it :D and thank you, you are sooooo sweet <3
You are too sweet! New follower for sure! This post is lovely, and you're blog is so whimsical. I love the header! Heading to check out some other posts!
I love long hair style! But sometimes it's hard to keep it nice, especially in a tropical weather. Thanks for your lovely comment in my blog! You are an angel! Of course we are going to be friends! Huge hug from Puerto Rico!
I'd like to thank you for such a sweet comment. Of course I will follow your blog! It's gorgeous, you have great style.
ReplyDeleteI, too, love long hair.
x Madison
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, it made me smile!! You said really nice things :) I really like your blog so far, you post about interesting things and the photos are all wonderful! We can totally follow each other, I'd love to see more posts for you and it would be awesome for you to keep checking out mine!!
I used to have semi long hair but I cut it off because it always got tangled and I didnt know what I was doing! I just started to grow it back out because I see what people can do with long hair!
ReplyDeleteThe photos are inspiring!
-Josie, 8bitgrayscale
Please check out my giveaway here!
thank you for checking out my blog! I followed you back :)
ReplyDeleteI've always had long hair too. Most of the time I try not to use any heat on it (my hair is very curly and straightening it is very tempting, but also very arduous). I dyed it blonde a few months ago, but now I am back to my natural brown. The texture of my hair is rougher and drier than ever, and I am looking forward to having my soft hair back. I understand how you feel about the hairdresser. I used to only go once a year! But now, after upping my visits to every three months, my hair feels much healthier, and I don't get bored with it as easily!
lovely blog- I'm glad we found each other!
I love long hair too and am in desperate need of a trim right now. I have kept my hair long since I was a little girl. I have never taken much interest in dyeing it though. I would definitely go for a natural red color but my hair is so dark that it wouldn't look right.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! All of the characteristics that you used to describe my blog I can certainly use to describe yours! Everything is so pretty. I love your banner and choices in pictures! Now following yoU!
I´m your new follower, thank yo for following me! Hope you enjoy my experiences as a western woman in Qatar , the spanish designer interviews and much more !!!
ReplyDeleteLove the hair styles you posted ; I used to have great hair but the water in this country is so salty and contains OIL! that is very very dry even using the best products ...
Me encanta tu blog! El mío es sobre moda ( promociono a diseñadores españoles en Qatar), estilo y cuento mi experiencia como mujer occidental en Qatar!. ¿ Te apetece que nos sigamos?
nice pics :)
Really like silk, very nice...
aida - muito obrigada por ter comentado no meu blog [a cup of sass]. adorei estas fotos [e o seu blog] :)
ReplyDeleteWow these are all fabulous pictures!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment.Followed your blog.
I love the long hair.
Besos desde Barcelona!!!
It's a perfect hair inspiration. These womens are so pretty, love them all.
ReplyDeleteLovely selection of photos.
You can just scroll down my page and at the end you'll find the Google Friend Connector :) or you subscribe via Email!
ReplyDeletelots of love,dominique
Haha, what a funny coincidence :) But thank you so much for your sweet comment!! :))
ReplyDeletegorgeous pictures! I wish my hair looked like those in the pics:)
ReplyDeleteAll of them perfect long hair... I wanna have one like those...
ReplyDeleteThank you for the sweet comment! I adore your blog, taking the time to write your feelings and posting inspiring pictures! Love it! :)
ReplyDeleteLong hair is hard to maintain, I'm trying to grow mine too but my hair keeps falling out! ohw dear, I think I'll have to start using hair treatments >_< !!
Adoro cabelos longos, mas é como dizes tem que estar muito cuidados!!!!
ReplyDeleteAdorei o facto de teres tanto medo de ir ao cabeleireiro ;)
absolutely agree with you long hair looks so very gorgeous and its more feminine and makes anyone look beautiful :))
ReplyDeleteGreat post!! I also have long hair and I have realized while reading your post that I should take more care of it...
Thank you for your sweeeeet comment! LOVE!
ReplyDeleteLove these pictures, they're great.
ReplyDeleteI love long hair, wish min would grow faster :)
Wow, I love your post abt hair! It's hard to keep them in a good condition but it's worth ;) for me it's a symbol of beauty and femininity. Unless we have no make-up, hair can makes a whole!
PS: I follow you too ;)
The same happens to me, I love the long hair, a few years ago I had it! I swear, but I decided cut, and now take long to grow me... what a shame! I try go to the hairdresser once in two months and cut a little little little once in a thre or four months, I hope is longer this summer...
ReplyDeleteThanks for comment, you are so sweet and cute!! thank u!!! xoxo
Qué cabellos más bonitos has puesto!!!, las fotos también son ideales...
OKAI; i adooore all tehse hair picturs!!! Hair is totally the best accesorie! you can have the most amazing outfit but if your hair looks bad its doomed!!!!!!! lol
ReplyDeletelove K
Adoro ver cabelos bem tratados!
ReplyDeleteEu também adoro mas o meu cabelo teima em não crescer :(
ReplyDeleteAdore long hair, but it HAS to be sane and well cared! Thank u so much for your kind comment! I'll start becoming your follower!
ReplyDeleteI love long hair, but only nature one, I don't like fake strands at all. Long hair look gorgeous, but it's such a big job to have them in a perfect state;-)
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog! :-)
i love love love long hair x
ReplyDeleteLong hair is just pretty and gorgeus!
Deletelots of great pictures!!! I love long hair to!
ReplyDeletei dont think i would cut my hair short EVER! love my long hair. Period. :) lol
ReplyDeletethanks for dropping by my blog Aida. I appreciate it so much.
Just followed your amazing blog. Hope you'd follow mine too if you haven't.
Can't wait to see more of your posts in the future.
will definitely keep in touch!
Rina :)
Love this post! sry but i didn't read the comments you wrote below the pictures.I really should read them:) following you
These pics are gorgeous - makes me want to grow my hair :)
The Other Side of Gray
Fabulous post on long hair!! I loooove long hair!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, yours is amazing as well and I will for sure be following!!
Liindas essas fotos,a gnt sempre querendo que os nossos cabelos fiquem como o dessas mulheres,adorei o post!
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteSo jealous of all the gorgeous hair! I've been trying to grow my hair out for ages- I started taking biotin and it's helped!
ReplyDeletexo, H
lovely hair post ;-)
ReplyDeleteI think the first two are my favourite, long strong and blonde!
ReplyDeleteThe doll on fashion
All of these luscious locks are making me have long hair envy!! Looks like I'll have to sew some hair in to get instant results :) have a great day!
These pictures are gorgeous. I wish my hair looked that beautiful long! Following you now :)
wauuw, I want hair like that(:
ReplyDeleteMe too, darling!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous locks ~ especially loving Claudia!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog :)
ReplyDeleteI use to have SUPER long hair back in high school. Then I chopped it all off and was in love with short hair...now that I'm older I'm trying to grow back my hair. I agree that there is nothing like polished well manicured long hair. I also do like the beach long hair look.
Ahh all this gorgeous hair makes me wanna grow mine haha
Thank you for stopping by my blog! So greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me miss my long hair - so luscious!
Nice post. I agree with you it's important to take care of the hair. It's very important in the imagen the others have of ourself. Thank you for visit my blog. I'm following you.
Thank you SO much for your sweet comment-you made my day :)
ReplyDeleteI love long, swooshy hair (a la Kate Middleton) and did at one point keep mine very long, but I am occasionally overtaken by the desire to chop it all off. And I would like curly hair too. I guess you always tend to want what you can't have.
I'm now following by the way xx
Aida, I found your blog via your comments on Lilly's Style and absolutely love it! I too am obsessed with long hair, and my obsession became even worse when my well meaning sister cut most of it off accidentally a few years ago. 0_o. I also adore the fact that this is a bilingual blog - I'm a Spanish speaker and have wanted to learn Portuguese for years. :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing hair! <3
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog, and totally love it!
I'd like to invite you (if you want) to follow each other! :)
Its rally beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment
I adore Kate Beckinsale and her hair is amazing!
Really love this pictures so pretty!
I'm also into long, healthy hair! Great pictures btw. :)
ReplyDeletegreetings from
Hair is so important indeed! Strong, silk and shiny hair always look gorgoeus! I try to take very good care of mine and feel kind of guilty I color and straighten it quite often!
lovely hair post.
Hello dear, i found your blog via a comment of yours in another blog i was reading, you sound like the sweetest person ever, and i thought i should meet this girl.
ReplyDeletei am so glad you are writing in portuguese as well since i am now trying to learn some portuguese, but i always end up confusing them with my spanish. don't know why. guess because they are so similar.
love how cute this blog is and that you write down big texts with each post, making it even more personal.
and wow the pics of the fab soft and silky hair, i am jealous, i wish mine were as beautiful.
would u like to check out my blog as well?
i blog about fashion editorials, i hope you find it interesting to read and maybe just maybe follow me back??
via gfc or bloglovin, either one u want
Eu nunca pintei o meu e acho que nunca o vou fazer. Depois nunca voltaria a cor original já para não falar que conheço muita gente que deu cabo do cabelo a pintar constantemente.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is fabulous!!! I love it :) thanks for visiting mine!
Definitely, some luscious locks. Don't forget your vitamins, either. Thanks so much for the sweet note, too.
ReplyDeleteSure, I'll follow you back!
I adore long luscious hair! These pictures were absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the sweet note!
ReplyDeleteI love long hair, but not on me :)
ReplyDeleteThankis for commenting on my blog dear, yours is very nice! :)
Love the blog! I'm following you on bloglovin' now!
ReplyDeleteReally love your blog. Found you by chance, and I've got to say that I enjoy reading what you have to say.
Amazing looks!!
ReplyDeleteI have been growing my hair out forever. It is finally long enough that I can start wearing it in updos. I have an appointment to get it trimmed on Tuesday. I love long shiny straight hair.
ReplyDeleteThank you dear, for such a lovely comment you left on my blog ;) Love those hairstyles photos !
loving all these beautiful hair! so amazing!
ReplyDeleteLove the hair! So beautiful!
ReplyDeleteJust WOW ! XX
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your sweet comment! I really like your blog too! Of course we can follow each other! I'm following you already:)
wish i had blond hair! haha
super photos...their are really beautiful hairs =)
ReplyDeleteLong hair always wins. It makes all eyes in the room go to the girl with the longest hair.
ReplyDeletelove from South Africa!
nice blog ^^ loves it
folllow me and i follow you))
xoxo Christy