Everyday life is the special occasion!

March 10, 2014

Wide Legged

This will be a trend in Spring Fashion this year! Depending on how you style them, although large, they can still be very flattering, specially if you wear a balancing slim fitting top and wear them with heels.  Comfortable to wear, it's the 70's return at its best! Don't be afraid to be daring and sassy with refinement. They have the power to enlongate your legs, their high waste can desguise your tummy, they narrow the hips, give a casual but still pulled together look and  an overall nice silhouette. Tell me, will you rock some wide leg pants?


  1. Adoro esta tendência já desde o ano passado mas nunca encontrei à venda nenhumas que gostasse :/
    Adoro o look da primeira foto =)

  2. What can I say: I live in them most year around. They are so comfy and look good as well. Love the photo's, great inspirations.

  3. Gosto tanto destas calças Aida, mas até tenho receio de experimentar umas...de certeza que não são para qualquer corpito :) *

  4. inspiring wide leg pictures! it's now in trend again

    sweet and sugars,

  5. Lovely pants :-)


  6. Me encantan esos pantalones de pata gigante , yo los uso mucho

  7. Morning Aida, hope you had a lovely weekend! Woudl love to rock them for sure! Maybe with a pair of wedges and a stretch tank top. I like the floral and pink pairs, all the photos are so inspiring and wonderful! Have a great week ahead my friend, hugs! xo

  8. I love the vanity table. Great post, babe!

  9. só posso dizer uma coisa: ainda bem que elas estão de volta!!! Adoro calças assim, entre o saião e a calça mesmo, principalmente para aqueles dias beeeeem quentes, e amanhã já vou dar um roulê a ver se encontro um par para mim que me agrade.

  10. Replies
    1. I would love to wear these but I really don't think I'd be able to pull it off unfortunately. I'd probably have to wear a pair of stilts too! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk
