Everyday life is the special occasion!

October 06, 2016

Salty Rustic Braid - Grilled Chicken, Fuet Extra, Mozarella

Whenever I have leftovers of meat of any kind and a sheet of puff pastry in the fridge I'm always up to bring something quick and tasty to our table that very next day. As today we're enjoying a national holiday right in the middle of the week, the weather is still great and I have no plans than to spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying the remaining rays of a bright sun outside this delicous salty rustic braid, sided by a nice salad is the perfect way to have a delicious but still super quick to make meal with the leftovers from last nights spicy grilled chicken. Wish you a lovely holiday!

  • 1 onion
  • extra virgin olive oil q.s.
  • spicy grilled chicken leftovers 
  • fuet extra
  • mozarella cheese
  • 1 sheet puff pastry
  • eggwash
In a frying pan heat the olive oil along with the chopped onion. Sauté the onion along with the shredded grilled schicken [skin also beacuse it gets tastier] and  slices of fuet extra. Prepare the puff pastry and place this mix in the middle when it's already colled covering it with mozarella. Make the braid and brush it with eggwash. Take it to the preheated oven at 200ºC for about 10 minutes. Enjoy still warm. 

  •  1 cebola
  •  q.s. azeite extra-virgem
  •  sobras de frango grelhado picante
  • fuet adicional
  • queijo mozarella
  • 1 folha de massa folhada
  • ovo + 1 colher de sopa de leite para pincelar
Em uma frigideira aqueça o azeite junto com a cebola picada. Salteie a cebola juntamente com o frango grelhado desfiado [deixe apele que é mais saboroso] e fatias de fuet extra. Prepare a massa folhada e coloque esta mistura no meio quando já tiver arrefecido cobrindo-a com mozarella. Fazer a trança e pincelar com o eggwash. Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 200ºC durante cerca de 10 minutos. Saboreie ainda quente.