Everyday life is the special occasion!

October 27, 2015

Vintage Gym Lockers

I have a thing for vintage and modern combined and one of these industrial steel gym lockers would be an interesting piece to put at good use at home. Painted or natural, these old school pieces have an undeniable appeal and offer just the right amount of off-beat charm, creating some kind of magic. They offer great storage and  are eclectic and fun. What do you think about them?


  1. Adorei aquele transformado em estante de livros e nunca pensei que ficassem tão bem na decoração de uma casa! Fantástico! Beijinhos

  2. aha!!! ando a sonhar com uns para pôr no quarto do meu puto quando ele começar a entrar na adolescência, acho que ficariam super bem e são hiper prácticos!!

  3. Brilliant. But what I really want is that apostle-in-pink!
