Everyday life is the special occasion!

October 07, 2015

Vanilla & Lemon Buttermilk Cake

This delicious cake with just a hint of lemon and a stronger vanilla flavor has a dense, perfectly cake-y texture, soft and fluffy. It smells absolutely incredible and the base is perfect to be topped with many different choices according to your own taste - it always results wonderfully. I baked it to take to a party at a friend's house and had to use what I had on hand  - I whiped cream, coloured it soft pink with a single drop of red food coloring  and garnished it with a mix of frozen red fruits sprinkled with powder sugar - and simple as it was, it was a combination made in heaven!

  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • baking powder
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 cup buttermilk [milk+lemon juice resting for 15m]
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 10 packets vanilla flavored sugar
  • 50ml liquid butter
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 6 eggs
Beat the butter with the regular sugar, the vanilla flavored sugar and the vanilla beans seeds until creamy. Add in the eggs, one at a time, beating each time. Add the oil, lemon zest, the flour and the baking powder and beat again. Then add the buttermilk and combine well with the electric mixer until you have an homogeneous dough. Put it in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with flour. Take to a preheated oven at 180º for about 50m. Remove and let cool completely before unmolding it. In a separate bowl beat the cream and add a drop of red colored food coloring. Garnish with red fruits mix and sprinkle with powder sugar. 

  • 2 e 1/2 canecas de farinha
  • fermento em pó
  • raspas de 1 limão
  • 1 vagem de baunilha
  • 1 copo de leitelho [leite + suco de limão a repousar cerca de 15m]
  • 1 caneca de açúcar
  • 10 pacotes de açúcar com sabor baunilha 
  • 50ml  manteiga líquida
  • 1/2 chávena óleo vegetal  6 ovos

Bata a manteiga com o açúcar normal, o açúcar de baunilha aromatizado e as sementes de baunilha até ficar cremoso. Adicione os ovos, um de cada vez, batendo sempre entre cada adição . Adicione o óleo, as raspas de limão, a farinha e o fermento e bata novamente. Em seguida, adicione a manteiga e misture bem com a batedeira até obter uma massa homogénea. Coloque a massa numa forma untada com manteiga e polvilhada com farinha. Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 180º cerca de 50m. Retire e deixe arrefecer completamente antes de desenformar. Numa tigela bata as natas e adicione uma gota de corante alimentício vermelho colorido. Decore com uma mistura de frutos vermelhas e polvilhe com açúcar em pó.


  1. Que bonito ficou, a cobertura tem uma cor mesmo linda!

  2. Your family is really lucky - you bake so much and so deliciously:)

  3. Gosto muito desse tipo de bolos! Aprecio cada vez mais os bolos simples, sem decorações muito elaboradas. Simplicidade e sabor acima de tudo. Um beijinho

  4. hhhhhmmmmmm tem cá um bom aspecto!!!

  5. Wonderful outfit dear! I love the recipe:)


  6. Looks delicious and beautiful :)
    BLOG M&M FASHION BITES : http://bit.ly/1ZdcJxK
    Maria V.
