Everyday life is the special occasion!

October 08, 2015

Black-eyed Peas & Tuna Fish Salad

Packed with protein and fiber, this tuna and bean salad is ready in a flash and as good for a late summer meal, as well as for an early Fall one.The recipe is incredibly simple, just cooked black-eyed peas tossed with tuna, onion, garlic, olive oil and vinegar, with some parsley stirred in and crowned with chopped hard-boiled eggs.Once you get all the ingrients mixed together  and let the salad sit for a little while, it actually takes on a whole new level of extremely good flavor. In my kitchen it is a go-to salad all year round and I just can't get tired of it.

  • 3 cans of tuna fish in oil
  • eggs
  • 1 1/2 jar of black-eyed peas
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • white wine vinegar
  • onion
  • parsley

In a pan place the already cooked beans to give it a quick boil. Drain and reserve. In a small bowl, whisk the oil and vinegar until blended and then add the chopped onion and the parsley. In a large serving bowl, combine the beans and the rest of the onion and parsley. Pour in the dressing and toss to coat. Fold in the tuna, season with salt, toss add the eggs and bring to the table.

  • 3 latas de atum em óleo
  • ovos
  • 1 e 1/2 frascos de feijão frade
  • azeite virgem extra
  • vinagre de vinho branco
  • cebola
  • salsa 
Numa panela coloque o feijão cozido para dar uma fervura rápida. Escorra e reserve. Numa tigela pequena, adicione o azeite e vinagre até misturar bem e, de seguida, adicione a cebola picada e a salsa. Numa tigela grande , misture o feijão e do resto da cebola e salsa. Despeje o molho e misture bem. Envolva o atum, tempere com sal, misture, adicione os ovos e sirva.


  1. Gosto bastante de feijão frade, e assim em salada com atum e ovo é uma mistura de sucesso!

  2. A-DO-RO!!! É daquelas coisas que nunca me cansam, só não como é o ovo!!

  3. Quando era pequena detestava feijão frade e em adulta estive anos sem comer, um dia destes resolvi comer e descobri que afinal gosto
    Essa salada é simples e deliciosa

  4. I like this type of salads-they are very nutricious!

  5. It looks so good, Aida.
    I always love your presentations.
