Everyday life is the special occasion!

March 17, 2015

Framed Kids' Artwork

When I was little I was a very creative child, at least from what I can recall I always loved drawing and colouring -it actually still calms me down nowadays, but I came from a parents' generation [my parents are now over 80 years old] where they weren´t necessarily encouraging of  creating art, let alone looking for ways to display it - they probably killed the artist inside me!:) Fortunately there are many and varied ways to make a good use of your kids' best masterpieces in an art display system to showcase their budding talent and consequently stimulate their creative flame, sharpen their innate talent and also to give your own home a touch of originality.


  1. very nice...and great selection..this is a good idea

  2. Tenho várias obras do meu filho em exposição, mas posso dizer com toda a justiça que o rapaz, apesar de ser canhoto tal como o meu pai, não herdou deste o talento para o desenho!!! Nisso sai á mãe, coitado, mas gosto de ter as coisas que ele criou á vista, afinal sou mãe babada...

  3. This is my whole house. I call it "Early School Project".
