Everyday life is the special occasion!

September 09, 2013

All Manned Up

There's nothing like Fall for women to wear the best menswear-inspired fashion without sacrificing their femininity! I've always loved wearing ties [inicially I stole them from  my father, my brother and subsquently from my husband] and believe me I was alone in this style amongst many girls/ women I know, but I simply love taking the risk of pulling off a trend that's exclusive for men, giving it a new edge with the use of a bold lipstick, high heels and a heavy dose of chic accessories. You can look cool, effortlessly stylish, put-together and even sexy in menswear and nowadays it's easier than ever to borrow from the boys. The key to a successful masculine outfit in a woman is to bear in mind that, it’s masculine inspired, not just masculine: pair it with softer elements in silhouettes and colors, mix it with feminine pieces for a balanced look, wear tailored items which are more glamourous, add some killer finishing touches and be sure to keep it classy!

Não há nada como o outono para as mulheres usarem o melhor do que é inspirado na moda maasculina sem sacrificar  a sua feminilidade! Eu sempre adorei usar gravatas[inicilamente assaltava o guarda fatos do meu pai, do meu irmão e, subsequentemente, do meu marido] e acreditem , quase ninhuma mulher ao meu redor as usava, mas eu simplesmente adoro correr o risco de fazer com resultar  que uma tendência que é exclusiva para os homens resulte bem, dando-lhe um novo ar com o uso de um batom ousado, saltos altos e uma boa dose de acessórios chiques. Pode parecer cool, naturalmente elegante,  muito bem composta e até sexy vestindo moda masculina e hoje em dia é mais fácil do que nunca levar emprestado dos rapazes. A chave para uma roupa de homem ser bem sucedida numa mulher é ter em mente que, é de inspiração masculina, e não apenas masculina: conjugue-a com elementos mais suaves em silhuetas e cores, misture-a com peças femininas para um look equilibrado, use peças à medida que são mais charmosas, dê uns retoques fabulosos e não se esqueça de mantê-lo elegante!


  1. I love this style. These outfits are so stylish and i love the first one.
    It's a perfect selection.

  2. Hallo there!
    Yeahhh!I like your blog, you have your own nice style ;-))
    very inspiring pictures!
    thanx for inspiration!

    Olya Baileys
    kisses from Ukraine

  3. Great inspirations for mannsh style!!!!
    All the looks you selected are so cool and elegant!

  4. Morning Aida! Im sure you look fab in a masculine inspired look! You know, I still havent tried this trend yet but I am really curious to do! If I follow your tips, the result will be great for sure!:) Amazing photos, Im in love with the one with the long cardi and the hat, is a perfect look for fall! Kisses and hugs my friend, have an amazing week ahead! xo

  5. Sou fã de usar o look masculino, e até de o usar com uma pinta bem masculina, cortado apenas por um par de saltos vertiginosos. Marlene e Greta, eheheh.

  6. It's funny to joke in Autumn and Winter days, and wearing a tie is very fashionable and smart!
    Fabulous new week my dear!!!

  7. I love this look! Now you have me going out to look for tweed pants at the thrift shop. Wish me luck!

  8. I am not a huge fan of this style, I must admit that I like these inspiring outfits!

  9. Amazing pictures


  10. Love these outfits. I love wearing blazers especially, so I'm glad the weather is beginning to cool down.

  11. So inspiring, I wouldn't wear a tie, but these outfits are great! Love that style!

    Thanks for sharing :)

