Everyday life is the special occasion!

March 05, 2013

I'm In A New York State Of Mind - Lofts

 Emblematic of the urban cool style and of the artistic bohemian culture, the word "loft" that used to be a synonymous with "attic", in the late 70s began to be associated to industrial buildings and their upper floors. When we began building our house we seriously considered turning it into a loft - no walls, open wooden floors, high ceiling, more space, flexibility, with a beautiful combination of modern, traditional and industrial and the right furniture and accessories that would make the atmosphere feel inviting and pleasant. Forget it! I had neither the nerve, let alone the necessary money for such an ambitious project. Nevertheless I haven't stopped dreaming about it, because so far, we aren't charged anything from dreaming and in my daydreaming I'm often in a New York state of mind!

Emblemática do estilo urbano cool e da cultura boémia artística, a palavra "loft", que costumava ser um sinónimo de "sótão", no final dos anos 70 começou a ser associada a edifícios industriais e aos seus andares superiores. Quando começámos a construir a nossa casa, considerámos seriamente  transformá-la num loft - sem paredes,  chão em aberto de madeira, tetos altos, mais espaço, flexibilidade, com uma bela combinação de moderno, tradicional e industrial, mobiliário e acessórios adequados que tornariam a atmosfera convidativa e agradável. Esqueçam! Eu não tinha nem a coragem, e muito menos o dinheiro necessário para um projeto tão ambicioso. No entanto, não deixei de sonhar com isso, porque até agora, ainda não nos cobram nada pelos sonhos e, nos meus devaneios, estou muitas vezes num estado de espírito nova iorquino!


  1. Woooow...that's all I have to say :))


  2. The best thing here is the pink refrigerator. Wow! We're all pining for New York!

  3. LOVE lofts. My boyfriend and I are looking at some now, but nothing like these, wow!! Incredible pictures. Thanks for stopping by the blog! xo, Julie

  4. So great lofts. I thnk I need a new house.
    Thank you for sharing


  5. THIS IS my dream home - I love everything about a Loft, the space, the brightness, the modern twist everything. One day One day... xx

  6. wow really great inspiration, love the industrial but still cozy looks!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  7. "Men make houses but women make homes" with the help of intelligence and taste (and money too?!).
    Nice day,my dear

  8. Wow it's so deamy! Absolutely beautiful and very inspiring. Love these photos, the first one is perfect.

  9. Hola, mi sueño no es tener una casita con jardin y demás si no vivir en un loft como estos...me encantan!!


  10. Hi Aida! I'm a lofts lover too! It is also in my dreams so I can get you so well!! Wow, Im really craving for one of those beautiful home! Love this kind of space, it make me feel in a happier mood than living in a flat apt!:) Beautiful inspiration, really have enjoyed it! Kisses and hugs bella!:*♥

  11. I am crazy about white interiors... thank you for sharing

    MyBlondeGal on facebook

  12. Não sou fão do loft total, mas gosto muito muito de salas assim, abertas e com grandes janelões, e com escadarias para o andar superior com um varandim a fazer de biblioteca e zona de leitura, e até escritorio... mas depois os quartinhos resguardados, que eu sou pessoa para ter de dormir num caixão, escuridão total!!

  13. Lovely lofts! I wish I could live in one of them!!

  14. Looooooove it**


  15. Buaaaaaaah! increibles! ojalá puediese yo disfrutar de un espacio así! madre mía.... jeejej no me imagino la vida ahí! alucinante! no apto para mortales como yo...!
    besotes guapa!

  16. such a great inspiration

  17. I heart lofts. There is something about the slanted roofs. Such a stunning collection of lofts you have here. Thanks for reminding me of how much I appreciate them X

  18. very nice! I want to have one of these place :)
