Everyday life is the special occasion!

January 13, 2016

Bûche de Noël 2015

When time is short but precious, simplicity is the key. This super easy, totally doable and truly delicious chocolate swiss roll with a coffee kick and red fruits filling was the ultimate mouthwateringly gourmet dessert  at my Christmas table. It was done last minute and I didn't have a lot of ingredients at hand anymore but it was so worth it !Its texture is  somehow simultaneously rich yet light; it's a sinfully rich cake roll bursting with flavor. It is unbelievably good and dangerously addicting and will be on rotation all year round!

  • 250gr. sugar
  • 200gr flour
  •  5 eggs 
  • 1 tbsp of strong coffee
  • 1 tbsp baking powder  
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder 
  • 1 package red fruit {I only had a bit left]
  • dark chocolate
  • 200ml cream
  • 1 lemon
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until ypou have a whitish cream. then add the flour, baking powder, chocolate, and coffee, mix well and go add the milk slowly.Finally add the whisked egg whites, gently mix in, and pour on a greased baking tray with butter, lined with parchment paper and greased again with butter.Take to the preheated oven at 180º for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile prepare the filling and topping, whisking firmly the creamy cream package with two tablespoons of sugar and a few drops of lemon. After the cake is out of the oven, pour it onto a clean cloth and immediately spread the top with cream and place the red fruits all over it. Quickly wrap the cake in a clean table towel and let it curled until it has cooled completely. After it is cold spread with remaining cream, shave the dark  chocolate and sprinkle it on top.

  • 250 gr. de açúcar
  • 200 gr. de farinha
  • 5 ovos
  • 1 c.sopa de café intenso
  • 1 c.sobremesa de fermento
  • 4 c.sopa de leite
  • 4 c.sopa de cacau
  • 1 pacote natas
  • frutos vermelhos 
  • chocolate preto
  • 1 limão
Separe as gemas das claras. Bata as gemas com o açúcar até obter um creme esbranquiçado.Adicione então a farinha, fermento,chocolate, e café misture bem e vá adicionando o leite.Por fim, adicione as claras batidas em castelo, incorpore, e verta sobre um tabuleiro untado com manteiga, forrado com papel vegetal e untado de novo com manteiga.Leve ao forno por cerca de 20 minutos ao forno pré aquecido a 180º. Entretanto prepare o recheio e a cobertura, batendo as natas cremosas bem firmes com duas colheres de chá de açúcar e umas gotinhas de limão. Depois do bolo sair do forno, verta-o sobre um pano limpo e barre imediatamente o interior com as natas e coloque os frutos vermelhos. Enrole rapidamente o bolo no pano e deixe ficar enrolado até arrefecer. depois de frio barrar com as restantes natas, raspar chocolate de cozinha e  polvilhar por cima. 


  1. Ui tem mesmoooooooo muito bom aspecto, que fomeeeee!!

  2. Este ano não fiz! Fui muito contida nos doces! Mas no proximo ano não me escapa! Adoro margaridas! Fizeram parte dos arranjos florais do meu casamento! Beijinhos

  3. Que bonita ficou essa torta, bem apetitosa!

  4. Esse tronco ficou tão lindo perfeito os mes ficam sempre uma desgraça

  5. Feliz año!!! que delicioso tronco!!! UUUMMM!!!
