Everyday life is the special occasion!

November 16, 2015

How To Look Cool & Chic

Often times the cool and chic vibe of an outfit is the most difficult to achieve, to look effortlessly refined but casually elegant [thinking independently about fashion -  layered, thrown on, relaxed and not fussy; the opposite from trying-too-hard] isn't that easy and because [for me] it requires having style with a bit of attitude. So, in my book I follow these rules of thumb to achieve this inspirational aesthetics:
  • have good manners for they are the most elegant accessory any woman can have; 
  • be confident and self aware to know what looks good on you;
  • adapt fashion to your style, not the other way round;
  • portray a great posture for it gives you class, sophistication and a slimmer look - chic and poise go together;
  • be somewhat of a free spirit;
  • keep a little mystery - leaving things to the imagination is more elegant than putting it all out there;
  • don't save your jewelry for special occasions - everyday life is the special occasion;
  • buy from a wide range of price range - from low end to high end;
  • don't wear what you are not confident or comfortable in;
  • don't look overstyled - always prefer the natural, fuss-free look;
  • hands/ feet nails - perflectly polished [ and short in my case] are a  must all year round;
  • balanced groomed eyebrows make any face look more elegant;
  • it's very hard to look elegant in cheap fabrics - quality is essential to elegance;
  • look unpretentious, like you don't care to impress;
  • have a clean face and smell fresh (from having showered and not reeking with perfume);
  • wear fresh clothes - always;
  • age gracefully.


  1. Jamais na vida terei um ar "elegante": não tenho dinheiro para comprar outros que não tecidos baratos ahahahah, e a minha postura é péssima, tenho mesmo dificuldade em andar direita graças aos meus problemas de reumatismo, para conseguir estar confortável e com as menore dores possiveis tenho consciência de que ando toda torta com um pé para dentro e outro para fora, um ombro descaído e as costas curvadas... já me conformei com o facto de que serei sempre a maior xunga á face da terra loooool!!! Gosto do look de calça de napa com camisola preta e salto alto, esse sim, para mim é chique!

  2. Looking at these pictures it seems to be so easy, why it is though so difficult to achive? Thans for the advices, it's good to read from time to time such a summary

  3. It's the last one I have difficulty with...
