Everyday life is the special occasion!

August 06, 2015

Vanilla Beans Milk Cake

If you're short in time and desperate to impress your guests this is the perfect savory cake [bursting with vanilla flavour] to make on a whim and if happens that you have nothing at home to top it [just my case] don't worry because a good scoop of ice cream, whatever flavour, will be a great combination.  Be sure to scrap the seeds of an entire vanilla bean right into the cake batter so that the smell and the taste  of the cake will be phenomenal. That sealed the deal for me!

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 cup of milk
  • 2 cups sugar 
  • 2 cups flour 
  • 40ml liquid butter
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 vanilla pod
In a bowl put the eggs and sugar and whisk until it form a whitish foam. Then add the 40ml liquid butter, flour, milk, vanilla seeds and mix everything well. Place the dough in a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with flour and bring to a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 55 minutes.

  • 4 ovos
  • 1 e 1/2 caneca de leite
  • 2 canecas de açúcar,
  • 2 canecas de farinha,
  • 40ml vaqueiro líquida
  • 1 colher de chá de fermento
  • 1 vagem de baunilha
Numa tigela colocar os ovos e o açúcar e bater até ficar esbranquiçado.Depois juntar a vaqueiro líquida 40ml, a farinha, o leite, as sementes da baunilha  e mexer tudo muito bem. Colocar a massa numa forma previamente untada com manteiga e polvilhada de farinha e levar ao forno previamente aquecido a 180º durante 55 minutos.


  1. great photos.. amazing blog,, keep it up



    I can rock any outfits, come follow my online diary

  2. Deve ficar bom, está com optimo aspecto


  3. Bolo de baunilha é tão bom! A baunilha confere aos doces um sabor maravilhoso! Beijinhos

  4. Gosto tanto dum bolo assim bem simples e caseiro, maravilha!

  5. I am ALWAYS short on time, but I would make this even if I weren't!
