Everyday life is the special occasion!

June 24, 2015

Condensed Milk Cake

When I am craving for something sweet that doesn't require many ingredients, that's super easy to bake and which results in a very yummy treat, this cake is usually my go-to. The cake is not as sweet as one would think [due to use of an entire can of sweet condensed milk]; there is no sugar added so if you are looking for something that is not that sweet for your afternoon tea, this is perfect.

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 cups flour
  • 50ml liquid butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

Place the flour, baking powder, eggs and butter in a glass bowl and blend all the ingredients well with a mixer until smooth. Add the condensed milk and beat again. Pour batter into a mould greased with butter and dusted with flour. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 45m.

  • 1 lata de leite condensado
  • 2 canecas de farinha
  • 50ml manteiga líquida
  • 4 ovos
  • 1 colher de sobremesa de fermento

Coloque  numa taça de vidro a farinha, o fermento , os ovos e a manteiga e bata até ficar uma massa homogénea. Junte o leite condensado e bata de novo. Despeje a massa numa forma untada com manteiga e polvilhada com farinha.  Leve ao forno pré aquecido a 180º cerca de 45m.


  1. Condensed milk?! Aida, you kill me! You have to know that I love it, is a kind of flavor that reminds my childhood everytime I taste it. Now I want to eat a piece o ur yummilicious cake, it looks so mouthwatering, soft and good. Hug! xo

  2. Oh deve ser pouco bom, deve, tem ar de ficar fofinho e leve.

  3. What a beautiful looking cake! It looks so rich and thick :)

    xo Azu


  4. Gosto tanto deste tipo de bolo simples, é sempre uma maravilha!

  5. Poucos ingredientes mas resultado fabuloso!

  6. Qué sencillez de receta, me encanta. ¿Sabes? una de las cosas que más me gustan y menos como es un trozo crujiente de pan con leche condensada, es una delicia. Besos guapa
