Everyday life is the special occasion!

April 10, 2014

Chocolate & Frangelico Swiss Roll

I love mixing flavors that go so well together that one thinks they should never be separated. Dark chocolate and Frangelico is the case. The bitterness and density of the dark chocolate, its intensity and overpowering flavour marries perfectly with Frangelico, an  irresistible sweet hazelnut liqueur from Italy that also contains traces of cocoa, vanilla, coffee and cinammon. This cake will be the cherry on top of a romantic dinner or friends gathering and you'll be sure to get the "wow" factor with this wickedly delicious Swiss roll!

  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 200g butter
  • 5 eggs
  • 200g sugar 
  •  75g flour
  •  1 teaspoon of baking powder
  •  1 and 1/2 cup of Frangelico
  •  dark brown sugar

Take the chocolate and butter to medium heat until melted. Beat eggs and sugar until it forms a white foam. Add the
melted chocolate and butter to this foam and add a goblet of Frangelico. Mix well. Pour the flour into the batter slowly and blend well, but without beating. Take to a preheated oven at 180 ° for about 30 m. Take from the oven, turn the dough on a cloth sprinkled with dark brown sugar. Wrap the cake while still warm. Refrigerate and serve cold.

  • 200g chocolate preto
  • 200g manteiga
  • 5 ovos
  • 200g açúcar
  • 75g farinha
  • 1 colher de chá de fermento
  • 1 e 1/2 cálice de Frangelico
  • açúcar mascavado escuro
Leve o chocolate e a manteiga ao lume até derreter. Bata os ovos e o açúcar até formar uma espuma esbranquiçada. Envolva o chocolate e a manteiga derretidos nesta espuma e adicione um cálice de Frangelico. Misture bem. Deite a farinha lentamente na massa e evolva, mas sem bater. Leve a forno pré-aquecido a 180º cerca de 30m.Retire do forno, vire a massa sobre uma pano polvilhado com açúcar mascavado escuro. enrole a torta ainda quente. Leve ao frigorífico e sirva fria.


  1. Mas que maravilha ficou, tão guloso!

  2. Im sure you have made your friends truly happy, yum the roll looks super delicious Aida, Im really interesting to know which flavor it got with the hazelnut liqueur, sounds something utterly good and Im already watering!:) Many hugs my dear! xo

  3. Mal li Frangelico pensei logo em assaltar-te a cozinha. Logo!!!

  4. This sounds so yummy and looks great, your guests are very lucky! Thanks so much for the recipe and I adore the Gerberas! Can I come over for dinner please!? http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk

  5. Ah que maravilha!!! Ficou tãaaao bom, querida!!! Parece macio e bem úmido! Delícia!!!
    Obrigada pela excelente receita, querida! ;)
    Beijinhos*** ;)
