Everyday life is the special occasion!

May 18, 2016

Homemade Salted Caramel Topping

If you're talking about one of the ultimate indulgences homemade salted caramel sauce has got to be right on top of my list - this lip-smacking, perfect for a myriad of recipes or the nicest hostess gift topping, smooth and creamy with the perfect consistency is actually super easy. The ratio of butter to sugar to cream is perfect and there is just the right note of saltiness from the fleur de sel  [ the subtle punch of salt is so addictive!]. Are you ready to give this luscious, velvety smooth, buttery rich sauce a try?

  •  350g Sugar
  •  400ml cream
  •  3 tablespoons of butter
  •   fleur de sel qs

Heat granulated sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.In a small saucepan take the sugar light the fire. Sugar will form clumps and eventually melt into a thick brown, amber-colored liquid as you continue to stir. Be careful not to burn. Once sugar is completely melted, immediately add the butter. Be careful in this step because the caramel will bubble rapidly when the butter is added. Very slowly, drizzle in 1/2 cup of heavy cream while stirring. Since the heavy cream is colder than the caramel, the mixture will rapidly bubble and/or splatter when added. Allow the mixture to boil for 1 minute. It will rise in the pan as it boils. Remove from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon of salt. Allow to cool down before using. You can refrigerate this sauce up to 2 weeks. (The sauce thickens as it cools, but can always be heated a bit in the microwave if you want to reuse it as topping).

  • 350g de açúcar
  • 400ml de natas
  • 3 colheres de sopa de manteiga
  • flor de sal q.b.

Num tacho pequeno leve o açúcar ao lume. Mexendo ocasionalmente com uma colher de pau deixe açúcar formar o caramelo num tom âmbar, mas sem deixar queimar para não ficar amargo. Acrescente a manteiga e mexa vigorosamente até a manteiga ficar bem dissolvida pois irá ferver agressivamente. Cuidadosamente acrescente as natas - cuidado para não se queimar - e deixe o açúcar caramelizado voltar a derreter e incorporar nas natas.Acrescente depois a flor de sal.  Mexa bem para dissolver o sal e coloque no frasco fechando-o de seguida. Pode refrigerar este molho até 2 semanas. (O molho engrossa à medida que arrefece, mas pode sempre voltar a derretê-lo um pouco no microondas caso queira reutilizá-lo como cobertura).


  1. This sauce looks delicious and so yummy. You could use it as like a fondue & dip anything into it! It looks so irresistible and I love those flowers! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk

  2. O mal disto é que é viciante, e quando tens um frasco não consegues parar enquanto não enfardares tudo! Ou será que sou só eu?
