Everyday life is the special occasion!

May 11, 2016

Condensed Milk & Salted Caramel Tart

 I you have a sweet tooth I bet you won't be able to resist this savory condensed milk tart with an irresistible homemade  salted caramel bittersweet topping in a crisp pastry shell. The touch of fleur de sel  really sets off the creamy and flavourful caramel [recipe to come next week!]and condensed milk . This is a rich, fudgy decadent dessert that is surprisingly easy to make and a total winner. 

  • 1 puff pastry sheet 
  • 1 can of condensed milk (not baked)
  • 4 eggs
  • homemade salted caramel
  • fleur de sel

Line a tart mold with the dough and prick the bottom with a fork. Beat the condensed milk with the eggs. Bring this mixture to cook over medium heat until it thickens. Pour the dough on the previously lined tart mold. Take to bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45m. Let it cool a bit, unmold it and top it with homemade salted caramel sauce and some sprinkles of fleur de sel.

  • 1 folha de massa folhada
  • 1 lata de leite condensado(não é do cozido)
  • 4 ovos
  • caramelo slagado caseiro
  • flor de sal

Forrar uma tarteira  com a massa e picar o fundo com um garfo.Bater o leite condensado com as gemas. Levar este preparado para cozer em lume médio até engrossar. Deitar o preparado sobre a tarteira forrada. Levar a cozer em forno pré-aquecido a 180ºc cerca de 45m.Deixar arrefecer um pouco e cobrir com molho de caramelo salgado e polvilhar com algumas pedrinhas de flor de sal. 


  1. You want to kill me! What a delicious pie!

  2. Epá, olha que isso está mesmo guloso! Difícil resistir :)

  3. isto é daquelas coisas que eu engordo só de olhar!!
