{organizing my daily routine products for a more effective and easy access/ usage rotation during the week}
And here we are, finally kicking off to Summer, with a very lousy weather but full of hope for better weather really soon!I don't mind that I have almost zero plans for the upcoming weekend because if the sun decides to shine bright again it will leave me with endless possibilities for much appreciated spontaneous activities!I hope you have all a very relaxed weekend. I'm in the mood for...
{on the hunt for a classical, fresh striped pyjamas}
{wearing jeans, red nails and lots of gold dainty rings}
{experimenting with loose beachy waves for a sultry sexy look}
{buying a new pair of high heels in nude pinkish tones to attend a summer wedding}
{having the first cherries of the year at every meal for dessert}
{decorating the house with freshly picked flowers from the garden}