Everyday life is the special occasion!

February 19, 2014

Chorizo Scones

Despite my obvious sweet tooth, I'm always in the mood a good salty treat and if it involves carbohydrates and chorizo I'm definitely in! These chorizo scones are a great match to a bowl of soup, are great to serve as an appetizer [but for that purpose I would recommend making them smaller]or can make the perfect breakfast on the go. Tender and tasty they do require a little effort, but the final result is really worth it and you will also have your kitchen filled with the most amazing smell!

  • 4 eggs
  • flour [2 cups aprox.]
  • 1,5 dl extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  •  1 cup of warm milk
  •  1/2 teaspoon salt
  •  1 chorizo

Beat the eggs with the olive oil, joining the warm milk beating constantly. Then add the flour with the baking powder and salt. Keep on adding flour until you get a consistent dough. Pour the dough in a floured surface and shape the dough with your hands until you get the desired consistency. Then just cut the chorizo into slices, make small balls putting a slice of chorizo ​​inside each one. After all balls are made, they are brushed with egg yolk and go in the oven until cooked and browned.

  • 4 ovos
  • farinha q.b
  • 1,5 dl azeite virgem extra
  • 1 colher chá fermento
  • 1 chávena de leite morno
  • 1/2 colher café sal
  • 1 chouriço

Bater os ovos com o azeite, juntando-se o leite morno batendo sempre. De seguida,  juntar a farinha com o fermento e o sal.  Vai-se juntando farinha até ficar uma massa consistente. Deitar a massa numa superfície enfarinhada e ir moldando a massa com as mãos até obter a consistência desejada. Depois é só cortar o chouriço às rodelas, fazer bolinhas pequenas colocando uma rodela de chouriço dentro de cada uma. Depois de todas as bolinhas feitas, é pincelado com gema de ovo e vai ao forno até cozer e alourar.


  1. Uns Scones deliciosos con ese chourizo!!! Que ricos Aída!!!

    Un bico,
    Sandra von Cake

  2. Lindos e com chouriço agrada-me e muito.
    Já me servia

  3. Morning Aida! Oh I have a sweet tooth as well but I do also love salty treats. Your chorizo scones look very tasty and good, is almost lunch time and Im already famished!:P Kisses my dearest, have a great day! xo

  4. They look yummy :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!
    (Please click on the links of this post as well)

  5. Wow these are looking soooooo delicious.....hello there my friend!!!!! Hope this finds you in the best of everything!


  6. Yummy!:)

  7. Simply to make and to try absolutly!
    Nice day my dear!

  8. They look soooo delicious, I wish I could have one right now xxx

    I left my heart in Miami

  9. Epá, oh AIda, isto é tortura mulher!!!! Não se faz!!! Cheira-me que tenho receita para o fim de semana eheheheh
