Everyday life is the special occasion!

October 29, 2012

These Boots Were Made For Walking

I don't know if it's due to my sensitive feet that suffer horrors everytime a season changes and, along with it, so do shoes, the fact is that I undeniably and unquestionably always loved boots since I was a little girl. They do really up the ante on any outfit, they can simultaneously comfortable and chic, giving a polished vibe to jeans, basic pieces or even simple skirts or dresses, mainly because they increase the versability of your wardrobe. There are several major boots trends that we can choose from - ankle high, military style, above knee, combined colour, bright colours, fur, metallic - you name it! I have quite a few pairs and it's an item I wouldn´t mind adding frequently to my wardrobe - just a pair every season - to be lying with all my teeth!;) What about you? Are you ready to be a cat in boots this Autumn/ Winter?

Eu não sei se é devido aos meus pés sensíveis que sofrem horrores sempre que uma estação muda e, junto com elas, também o calçado, o fato é que eu inegável e inquestionavelmente sempre adorei botas desde que era miúda. Elas fazem sobem  fasquia de qualquer fato, podendo, simultaneamente, ser confortáveis e chiques, dando um ar polido aos jeans, peças básicas ou  até mesmo saias ou vestidos simples, principalmente porque aumentam a versatilidade do guarda-roupa. Há várias tendências top para botas entre as quais  podemos escolher - pelo tornozelo ,de  estilo militar, acima do joelho, de cores combinadas, de cores chamativas,de pêlo, metálicas - é só dizer! Eu tenho alguns pares e é um item que eu não me importaria de adicionar frequentemente ao meu guarda-roupa - apenas um par a cada temporada - só para mentir com quantos dentes tenho na boca!;) E tu? Estás pronta para ser uma gata das botas este outono / inverno?


  1. Também adoro botas, de preferência as mais confortáveis possíveis. Não me seguro em grandes tacões :)

  2. I love boots! My favs are deftly ankle boots (any kind!!) So stylish, I love to pair them w anything and mix style :)

    Thanks for your sweet comment Aida (re-the robbers), you r a sweet heart xxxxxx

  3. so cute ;-))


    new post \!!

  4. As usual, you are right!
    In an Autumn rainy and foggy day my favorite are ankle ones.
    Nice day and a very happy new week my dear!

  5. So pretty and stylish boots. Love these photos. The last one is great. It's a perfect selection.
    Have a lovely week.

  6. Adore boots, love them the most of all shoes really :))) x

  7. I love sumer shoes. I hate winter, I am always feeling cool, I will love to move some place like Calib¡formia or Namibia where the sun is always shining and I can wear sandals and flips flops. However I do agree that boots look lovely and this selection of photos you had made is GREAT!!!

    WONDERFUL JOB!!!! I really really enjoy your blog!!!



  8. this post is soooo amazing!! think i will check it out qiute a few times to =)

    tnx so much for stoppin by at my spot, hope to stay in touch! =)

  9. Hi Aida! Hope you have had a nice weekend! Love wearing boots too, I have missed them in summer you know!:P all of these images are stunning, love the ones in the last pic!! Happy monday dear! hugs!:*

  10. Qué fotos más inspiradoras! Me encanta la selección. Besos

  11. love these pics! so inspiring :)


  12. Eu abuso um bocadinho e tenho uns quantos pares de botas, eheh. Só de pensar de um tempo na minha vida em que SÓ calçava botas, fosse verão ou inverno, só andava de botas...
