Everyday life is the special occasion!

August 29, 2012

Healthy Living - Part 2

Imagine a sunny day in which you contemplate a vast expanse of farmland, surrounded by hills, trees, various flowers, biological vegetables, birds that appear in the interstices of the foliage, butterflies that land gently to just start beating their wings vividly in a fast flight. Imagine what it is to be able to feed yourself daily with tasty products, watching them grow, bearing fruit, riping, harvesting them all at a slow rhythm, as if time flowed at our pleasure. Imagine all sorts of textures and colors, the green, pulsating life and the earthy indicating aridity, thirst ... Now imagine yourself there. Would this scenario be the mirror in which your image is reflected or refracted?

Imaginem um dia de sol a contemplar uma vasta extensão de terra cultivada, ladeada por montes, arvoredo, flores diversas, vegetais biológicos, pássaros que surgem nos interstícios das ramagens, borboletas que pousam suavemente para logo a seguir baterem a asas veementemente num voo veloz.
Imaginem o que é poder alimentar-se diariamente de produtos saborosos, vê-los crescer, dar fruto, amadurecer, colhê-los tudo a um compasso lento, como se o tempo fluísse a nosso bel-prazer. Imaginem todo o tipo de texturas e cores, as verdejantes, pulsantes de vida e as terrosas a indiciar aridez, sequiosidade... Agora imaginem-se lá. Este cenário seria o espelho em que a vossa imagem se reflete ou se refrata?


  1. love your last pic :) so cute


  2. amei as fotografias e concordo plenamente em adoptar uma vida saudavel, pois ja me diziam desde pequenina: "corpo são, mente sã". amei o miminho que me deixaste no blog <3

  3. I want this life! It sounds like paradise and you've captured the feelings perfectly! Great pictures and great inspirations!

  4. I love to have all sorts of these kind. That I can do harvest and picking of fruits and veggies in my own backyard. I try to experience this when I was young and now living in a city only makes me have a pot plant. Love those photos, very inspiring.:)


  5. Beautiful photos! You look great.


  6. Love these photos, they are absolutelu beautiful. It's a very nice inspiration.
    Have a lovely day.

  7. OK! Thank you:) I'm following ;) your turn

  8. é mesmo a minha cara, e o sonho de uma vida, ter um espacinho de terra bem fértil e tirar de lá os meus vegetais!!! Só de pensar em todas as coisinhas deliciosas que eu me daria ao luxo de plantar e comer... aiai! É isso e uma cozinha branca, eheheh.

  9. All that growing food looks amazing, it's so important to eat healthy and know where your food comes from...these look fabulous x

  10. oh it is just an amazing place dear! beautiful photos! what a relax! u look so beautiful in the last pic! wish u a nice day my friend:*

  11. the first photo is really beautiful!

  12. amazing place.. i wanna be there!

  13. Beautiful words and pictures! I wish I could be in a place like that.

  14. que maravilha! estou encantada com a escrita, mas sobretudo com as fotos! há cantinhos inspiradores!!!...

  15. há cantinhos que são verdadeiramente inspiradores!!!... parabéns!

  16. Wow! Thank you so much! I felt like I'm in my grandma's garden again! ;)
    Great photos!
    check my blog too, if you want we can follow each other! :)


  17. Beautiful photos ! i love your blog!:* I following you, follow me back if you want :* http://mynameisodetteswan.blogspot.com/

  18. They are such nice photos, You have a lovely blog and I hope you can visit my blog some time, if you like it, you can follow and let me know, I always follow back :)
    cheers and have a great day !

