Everyday life is the special occasion!

August 03, 2016

Homemade Peaches Jam

This fragrant and super delicious jam is very easy to make great to give as a gift or keep it and enjoy it yourself during the autumn months ahead, enjoying the taste of fresh peaches all year long. Peaches are a-plenty now in the farm markets as this is their season to shine, though mine came directly from the frondous trees at my in-laws farm!Spread this scrumptious homemade, chunky and delicious peach jam on some loaf of bread and just step back into summer with every bite.

  • 1 kg of ripe peaches 
  • 600g sugar
  •  1 cinnamon stick 
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Peel the peaches, remove the seeds and cut them in halves. Puta layer in a pan and add a little sugar, repeat until end, the last layer being of sugar. Let the peaches absorb the açsugar. Add the  cinnamon stick and lemon juice and stir with a wooden spoon. Then take it to a low heat, simmering for 30 minutes, and stir untila path appears when you go through the bottom of the pan with your wooden spoon. This process should be done with some patience in very low heat and stirring occasionally. Remove and let cool slightly before placing in sterile jars.

  • 1 kg de pêssegos bem maduros
  • 600g de açúcar 
  • 1 pau de canela
  • 1 colher de sopa de sumo de limão
Descasque os pêssegos, retire os caroços e corte-os em meias luas.Disponha uma camada num tacho e coloque um pouco de açúcar, repita a operação até acabar, sendo a última com o açúcar. Deixe ficar até os pêssegos absorverem o açúcar.Misture a canela e o sumo de limão e mexa com a colher de pau. Em seguida leve a lume brando, deixe ferver 30 minutos e mexa até atingir ponto de estrada. Este processo deve fazer-se com alguma paciência, em lume muito brando e mexendo de vez em quando. Retire e deixe arrefecer ligeiramente antes de colocar em boiões esterilizados. 

1 comment:

  1. que aspecto delicioso!!
