Everyday life is the special occasion!

April 27, 2016

Rustic Sweet Bread With Nuts

"Broa Doce" is one of my favourite treats all year round, though typically it's highly consummed during 'Xmas holidays in Portugal in its original variation [you can check the recipe here]. So when my mother-in-law suggested baking a batch on her rustic wooden oven only with nuts [my next best thing] my eyes just rolled with anticipated pleasure and I was all in to help her on the making of these incredibly delicious sweet bread ones, with the extremely flavoured nuts from my parent's farm that have been making the wonders of my daily tea break. 

  • flour without yeast
  • baker's yeast 
  • hot and warm water
  • salt
  • pumpkin
  • anise
  • sugar
  • ground cinnamon
  • nuts

Light the wood burning stove beforehand so that it stays hot , but not too much. Boil the pumpkin in a large saucepan with a pinch of salt.Set the nujtsaside dusted with flour. In large bowl put the flour and open through a hole where you'll place the salt, the already cooked and slightly cooled pumpkin  and place  hot water for scalding the flour. Stir with your hands . Add more warm water not to get burnt. Knead well. 
Then place the yeast that previously melts in hot water in a container. Mix everything and knead well. Then sweeten the bread. Note that if you put too much sugar the dough becomes soft. So add it gradually to check whehter it is sweet or not, depending on the amount of flour used. Put cinnamon and also a whole package of anise powder. When the dough is well kneaded and not soft, it will be ready to rise covered with a tablecloth for about 1h30Before making the "broa doce", add the nuts and wrap. Roll out the dough then into a round shape, put them in a cabbage leaf and never get away from the heat until ready - check out frequently!


  • farinha de trigo sem fermento
  • fermento de padeiro
  • agua quente e tépida
  • sal
  • abóbora
  • anis
  • açúcar
  • canela em pó
  • nozes
Acende-se o forno previamente para ficar quente, mas não em demasia. Coze-se a abóbora numa panela grande com uma pitada de sal.Reserve as nozes polvilhadas com farinha.  Num alguidar grande colocamos a farinha e abre-se no meio um buraco onde se coloca o sal, a abóbora cozida já um pouco arrefecida e coloca-se e água  quente para escaldar a farinha.Mexe-se com as mãos. Junte mais água tépida para não se queimar. Amasse bem. Depois  coloca-se o fermento que previamente derrete em água quente numa recipiente. Mistura-se tudo  e amassa muito bem. Adoce então a broa. Atenção que se colocar muito açúcar a massa fica mole. Assim vá juntando e vendo e se está doce ou não, dependendo da quantidade de farinha usada. Coloque também a canela e um pacote inteiro de anis em pó. Quando a massa estiver bem amassada e não mole, está pronta a levedar tapada cerca de 1h30. . Tenda então as broinhas, coloque-as numa folha de couve e nunca saia de perto do lume até estarem prontas -vá verificando!

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