Everyday life is the special occasion!

August 30, 2013

In The Mood For

{indulging in a great batch of chocolate ice-cream - now only at the weekends!}

This was the week of getting back to work, of establishing a healthier diet plan, of setting new quest goals, of making a major cleaning around the house just to make space to welcome September, a month full of family and friends anniversaries that will imply a lot of effort, dedication and commitment to make everyone happy!  With nothing on the agenda but to go to the movies and a casual dinner at friends' I just will go with the flow if something great eventually comes up! Wish you all a beautiful month ahead! I'm in the mood for...

{missing the casual chic style worn during beach holidays}

{loving the romantic and clean feel of different white vases altogether}

{in the search for the perfect pale coral lipstick}

{having a crush for delicate but statement rings}

{organizing my necessaire bag with just the essencial make up items}

{certainly reproducing this at home with the shells gathered during the holidays}

August 29, 2013

Mousse Au Deux Chocolats

Although the desserts with chocolate, are very rich and comforting, and therefore better for the cold months, this one, as it is served cold, is great for any occasion! This is a recipe that is delicious by itself, but if you want to appeal to the creativity at the time of serving, garnish it with grated biscuits and strawberries, chocolate chips or nuts to ...Just dare!

  • 200gr white chocolate
  • 200gr dark chocolate
  • 30gr sugar (for each type of chocolate)
  • 50gr unsalted butter (for each type of chocolate) 
  • strawberries
  • cookies

Melt the chocolate and the butter in bain-marie.Beat the egg whites and  reserve.Beat the yolks very well with the sugar and then add the chocolate to the butter, beating until you reaqch a smooth homogeneous kind of foam.Lastly, add the egg whites gently, incorporating them into the mixture. Take it to the fridge for a few hours or, preferably, overnight and garnish to taste.

Se bem que as sobremesas com chocolate, por serem muito ricas e reconfortantes, saibam melhor nos meses frios, esta, como é servida fria, é ótima para qualquer ocasião! Esta é uma receita que por si só é deliciosa, mas se quiser apelar à criatividade na altura de servir, decore com bolacha ralada e morangos, pedaços de chocolate ou até nozes... Atreva-se!

  • 200gr chocolate branco
  • 200gr chocolate negro
  • 30gr de açúcar (para cada tipo de chocolate)
  • 50gr de manteiga sem sal (para cada tipo de chocolate)
  • morangos
  • bolacha Maria

Derreta o chocolate e a manteiga em banho-Maria.Bata bem as claras em castelo e reserve.Bata muito bem as gemas com o açúcar e, em seguida,junte o chocolate à manteiga, batendo até obter um creme homogéneo.Por fim, envolva as claras em castelo delicadamente, incorporando-as na mistura anterior. Leve ao frio umas horas ou, preferencialmente, de um dia para o outro e decore a gosto. 

Too Good Not To Post It Right Away

August 28, 2013

Ice It


 All made with natural products, Ice It ice creams  are produced daily to ensure their full freshness. As they are handmade and prepared with only the best fruits of each season,it makes them have an  absolutely irresistible and very accurate taste. From a huge and very appealing diversity of choices , these are my favorite flavors: Winnie - an ice cream with  chocolate crocantis, caramel and caramelized roasted peanuts ; ACE - made with orange, carrot and lemon, rich in vitamins A, C and E and Frutti di Bosco - a delight of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, slightly acidic, an explosion of flavors in our mouth.They have been the delight of all  here at home this summer! Delight yourselves...

Todos feitos com produtos naturais, os gelados Ice It são produzidos diariamente para garantir a  sua plena frescura. Como são artesanais e  preparados apenas com as melhores frutas de cada estação,  faz com que tenham um sabor absolutamente irresistível e muito apurado. De entre uma diversidade de escolha enorme e muito apelativa, estes são os meus sabores favoritos: Winnie - gelado de nata, com crocantis de chocolate, caramelo e amendoim torrado caramelizado; A.C.E. -  feito com laranja, cenoura e limão, rico em vitaminas A, C e E e Frutti di Bosco - uma delícia de framboesas, mirtilhos e amoras, levemente acidulado, uma explosão de sabores na nossa boca.Têm feito as delícias de todos cá em casa este verão! Deliciem-se...