Everyday life is the special occasion!

July 30, 2013

Modern Style

I love the way modern style seeks the balance between clean lines, symmetry, neutral colour palettes, the use of materials like brushed aluminum, polished stainless steel, glass and plastic, light wood often used to present a contrast to metal or glass elements,furniture that relies  heavily on geometric shapes like squares, triangles and curvilinear forms, casual and cozy pretty accent pieces, art, great lighting and minimalist contemporary objects of decoration. Let you be inspired by these beautiful images and give a new look to your own home!

Adoro a forma como o estilo moderno procura o equilíbrio entre  linhas clean, simetria, paletas de cores neutras, o uso de materiais como o alumínio escovado, aço inox polido, vidro e plástico, da madeira clara, muitas vezes usada para apresentar um contraste com elementos de metal ou vidro, móveis que assentam fortemente em formas geométricas tais como quadrados, triângulos e formas curvilíneas, peças de destaque casuais e aconchegantes, arte, grande iluminação e objetos de decoração contemporâneos minimalistas . Deixe-se inspirar por estas belas imagens e dê um novo ar à sua própria casa!


  1. one thing that's evident about this style is there is no room for clutter and the pieces of furniture are works of art in them selves - great inspiration, thanks for sharing.

    ♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

  2. I'm a fan of modern style too! I love the way you describe it Aida and these images are totally inspiring!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  3. Lots of gorgeous inspiration here, thanks for sharing.

    Happy week

  4. these pics are amazing...i would like a furnished house like these..

  5. When modern style is combined personality with personal elegance and good taste the result is excellent!
    I like your ideas very much,the pictures are amazing!!!!
    Love and hugs!!!

  6. Love this style. It's very pretty and relaxing at the same time. Very inspiring.

  7. Tenho mixed feelings com este look, gosto de certas peças chave - normalmente são as cadeiras que me tramam, fico louca com elas! - mas seria incapaz de decorar a minha casa neste estilo decorativo, porque simplesmente não sou eu.

  8. Morning Aida! Love modern style on decor, it is actually one of my fav with contemporary and rustic! Great inspiration, would love to have some interiors as these in my dream home!:) Kisses my friend! xo

  9. Linda esa decoración moderna Aída, adore las alfombras
