Everyday life is the special occasion!

December 01, 2016

Almond Kisses

These super easy and delicious treats are perfect for tea time with a nice dcup of steaming hot coffee or to display at a birthday table party. They look adorably cute and taste just as good. Give them a try!
  • amêndoas peladas e moídas 160 g
  • açúcar 90 g
  • gema 1 unidade
  • natas 2 colheres de sopa
  • côco ralado 100 g
Misture todos os ingredientes numa tigela redonda até formar uma massa que dê para moldar. Se achar a massa seca, adicione-lhe mais um a colher de sopa de natas.Coloque um pouco de açúcar num pratinho. Com as mãos molde bolinhas pequenas e depois passe-as pelo açúcar. Coloque os beijinhos em papel frisado e leve ao frigorífico até à hora de servir.

  •  Peeled and ground almonds 160 g
  •  Sugar 90 g
  •  Yolk 1 unit
  •  Cream 2 tablespoons
  •  Shredded coconut 100 g

Mix all the ingredients in a round bowl until a you have a moldable dough. If you find the dough dry, add one more tablespoon of cream. Put a little bit of sugar on a little plate. With the hands mold small balls and then cover them with sugar. Put the almond kisses on a pa beaded paper mold and take to the refrigerator until serving time.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy woman, are you baking all this stuff? My Christmas sucked, I'm coming to your place next year. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I love you! I'll be back on Blogger soon, because I miss you and - yeah - Donald Trump.
