Everyday life is the special occasion!

November 17, 2016

Homemade Blackberries Jam

 One of my favourite activities during summertime is going for lonh walks in the woods nearby that fortunately are ususally full of blackberries bushes . This amazingly tasty jam is made from the last batch I had frozen while back in september and it was an absolutely delicious treat to have for tea time for the past few weeks.

  •  350g of ripe wild berries
  •  200g of sugar
In a pan, place the blackberries and add the sugar. Bring to the boil, and as soon as it begins to boil reduce it to the minimum and cook very slowly stirring occasionally, until the candy forms a fine thread.  Remove the candy from the fire, undo the grains with the magic wand and place it, still warm, in a sterile bottle. Close it and place it upside down - in addition to creating a natural vacuum, it makes it easier to preserve the candy for longer.

  • 350g de amoras silvestres maduras
  • 200g de açúcar
Num tacho coloque as amoras e junte o açúcar. Leve ao lume, e assim que começar a ferver reduza-o para o mínimo e deixe cozinhar muito lentamente mexendo de vez em quando, até o doce atingir o ponto de estrada. Retire o doce do lume, desfaça as graínhas com a varinha mágica e coloque -o, ainda quente, num frasco esterilizado. Feche-o e coloque-o de cabeça para baixo - para além de criar um vácuo natural , facilita à conservação do doce por mais tempo.

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