Everyday life is the special occasion!

May 21, 2015

Roasted Spareribs

I don't know about you but as soon as nice weather begins I am always in the mood fora barbecue. When you don't want to fool with the grill or simply do just not have time for that, these almost fall off the bone spareribs [I actually enjoy when they have a little tooth to it] will satisfy that rib craving. Slow baked in the oven, they'll hit the spot and  no one will complain since they taste so, so good, achieving a luscious tenderness that rivals the best live-fire barbecue. These spareribs [from the belly area of the hog] are larger and fairly meaty and as they contain more fat they are also richer in flavor and that's why they are just perfect for upcoming summer gatehrings!

  • spareribs
  • extra virgin olive oil 
  • garlic
  • chili
  • bay leaves
  • white wine
  • qs salt
  • riceonion
  • mushrooms
  •  bacon

Open the spareribs but do not completely separate them. Place them on a tray seaoned  with salt, bay leaves, garlic with the peel still on and only slightly crushed, chilli and sprinkle generously with olive oil. Water with 2 glasses of white wine and bake pre heated oven at 200 ° then reducing to 180º until golden brown and the meat is tender. Bake teh rice only after the spareribs are ready. Bring to boil a pot with olive oil, chopped onion and let browning without burning. Add the rice and mix well. Add mushrooms and bacon bits and mix, allowing them to slightly fry and cover
with boiling water.

  • costela
  • azeite virgem extra
  • alho
  • malaguetas
  • louro
  • vinho branco
  • sal q.b.
  • arroz
  • cebola
  • cogumelos
  • bacon
Abrir a costela mas sem separar totalmente. Colocar num tabuleiro temperado com sal, louro, alhos com a casca apenas levemente esmagados, malaguetas e regar generosamente com azeite. Regar com 2 copos de vinho branco e levar ao forno pré aquecido a 200º, reduzindo depois para 180º até ficar dourado e a carne tenrinha. Só depois da costela pronta se faz o arroz. Levar ao lume um tacho com azeite, cebola picada e deixar alourar sem queimar. Juntar o arroz e envolver bem. Adicionar os cogumelos e os pedaços de bacon, deixar refogar ligeiramente e cobrir com água a ferver.


  1. Gosto muito de costela e essa ficou uma maravilha, também gostei muito desse arroz.
    Uma excelente refeição

  2. isto é daquelas coisas que eu adoooooro, mas que acabo por pouco fazer fora de tempo de férias, tenho de investir mais em cozinhar assim e deixar de lado a brasa do carvão quando não a posso ter!!

  3. No estoy muy acostumbrada a usar costillas, pero me gustan y la receta que has hecho me parece deliciosa, sencilla y rica. Besos

  4. Hola amiga a,, que cosa más deliciosa costillas Ribs !! Son mi plato favorito !,
