There's no way I could ever eat "brigadeiros" without the fond memories of my youth's birthday parties and that's one of the reasons I usually just bake them to celebrate an anniversary. I remember that the first time I saw and heard about this potentially dangerous [due to its addcitive power] was in the Brazilian soap operas I used to devour with eager interest back then, specially a series for kids called "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo". My sister was the one who patiently baked them turning the kitchen, the whole house actually, into an intoxicating place that exuded chocolate through all its pores. This past week, while baking these delicious "brigadeiros" the same magical scent and the first bite took me through time again and for a brief moment I secretly wished this secret travel in time was neverending!
- 2 cans of condensed milk
- 1 package of chocolate powder
- 100g unsalted butter
- 4 tablespoons milk
- Oil for greasing
- chocolate sprinkles
In a non-stick pan, place the condensed milk and chocolate powder. Stir well. Mix milk. Add the butter. Bring the pan to medium heat and cook over low heat about 40 minutes stirring constantly. When the dough starts to lift off the bottom of the pan, remove. Place dough in a dish greased with oil, but allow it to cool. With hands smeared with oil, make balls and then put the balls into a plate with chocolate sprinkles.
- 2 latas de leite condensado
- 1 pacote de chocolate em pó
- 100g de manteiga sem sal
- 4 colheres de sopa de leite
- Óleo para untar
- Chocolate granulado
Num tacho anti-aderente, coloque o leite condensado e o chocolate em pó. Mexa muito bem. Misture o leite. Junte a manteiga. Leve o tacho ao lume e deixe cozinhar em lume brando aproximadamente 40 minutos sem parar de mexer. Quando a massa começar a descolar do fundo do tacho, retire. Coloque a massa de brigadeiro num prato untado com óle, mas deixe -a arrefecer. Com as mãos untadas com óleo, faça bolinhas Passe as bolinhas pelo chocolate granulado.
Oh wow! These looks so good. I love the ingredients as well, I can actually get hold of them here on the island! Something to try for the weekend! X
ReplyDeleteIsto é tipo massacre a quem como eu adoooooraaaa tudo o que for feito com chocolate e ao mesmo tempo é alérgica ao dito cujo. Bad girl, Aida!!! ;)
Unos bocados deliciosamente adictivos. Besos
ReplyDeleteHi Aida! I didnt know them! Yum! The memory they got for u is utterly sweet! And I can get why they are also so dangerous, once you ate one you wont stop!:) Many hugs! ox
ReplyDeleteQue gulosos ficaram!
ReplyDeleteI really would like to eat it now!:)
Only just learnt about these this week from a friend whose little boy has an egg allergy and was given these instead of cake at a birthday party. I am now going to send my friend the link ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs soon as you said childhood memory, I got excited. Fudge balls!
ReplyDeleteAdoro :)
ReplyDeleteEstou a babar! Tb quero! 😊